Mold Congress

Conferences and Workshops for the Medical, Indoor Air Environmental / Remediation Industries and Patients

June 2020 Conference in Bellevue, Washington

“A meeting of the minds”
Ft. Lauderdale, florida



 Thursday, January 17, 2019

There will be dual-track pre-conference workshops for medical and remediation industry attendees that will prepare their understanding of conference topics:

8:00 am- 5:00 pm: Ritchie Shoemaker, M.D. - SurvivingMold Physician Training and Exam Workshop

8:00 am- 5:00 pm: Greg Weatherman, CMC - Small Particle Remediation Workshop

7:00 pm: "Meet and Greet" Reception

Friday, January 18, 2019

Medical Session

8:00 am: Ritchie Shoemaker, M.D. - “Introduction”

8:15 am: Erik Johnson - “Lessons From Incline Village. CFS is CIRS. Notes From 33 Years of Observation.” 

8:45 am: Scott McMahon, M.D. - “Perspective: What is CIRS”

9:15 am: Jacki Meinhardt - “Back to the Basics”

9:45 am: Natasha Thomas, M.D. - “Focus on Immunology: , Defective Antigen Presentation”

10:15 am: Break

10:30 am: Lysander Jim, M.D. - “TGF Beta-1 and T Reg Cells”

11:00 am: Mike Rothman, M.D. - “TGF Beta-1 and Fibrosis”

11:30 am: Jimmy Ryan, Ph.D. - “What Do We Know/Don’t Know About the Science of CIRS”

12:15 pm: Lunch

1:00 pm: Scott McMahon, M.D. - “PANS and Pediatric CIRS”

1:30 pm: Ming Dooley - “Review of Current Literature on WDB and CIRS”

2:00 pm: Craig Tanio, M.D. - "Cognitive Decline and CIRS"

2:45 pm: Break

3:00 pm:  Jimmy Ryan, Ph.D. - “What Do We Know About the State of Transcriptomics in CIRS”

3:45 pm: Jimmy Ryan, Ph.D. - “The Science Behind Nanostring Testing”

4:30 pm: Ritchie Shoemaker M.D. - "What Do We Know About Gray Matter Nuclear Atrophy.”

5:00 pm: Ritchie Shoemaker, M.D. - “New Insights Into the Use of VIP and Air Oasis””

5:15 pm: Questions and Answers Session

5:45 pm: Adjourn

7:00 pm Dinner 
Keynote Speaker -   Andrew Heyman M.D.
Medical Director of Integrative Medicine
George Washington University, Washington D.C.


SATURday, January 19,2019

Environmental Session 

8:00 am: Greg Weatherman, CMC - “Introduction”

8:15 am: Chin Yang, Ph.D. - “Analysis & Identification of Fungi from the Indoor Environment”

9:15 am: David Lark, CMC, CIEC - “Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) – Helping Doctors & Patients Understand & Manage Microbial risks in Water Damaged Buildings (WDB)

10:00 am: John Banta, CIH - “Common Household Substances That Can Cause Inhibition in House Dust”

10:30 am: Break

10:45 am: John Lapotaire, CIEC - “Mold Assessment in Accordance with the ASTM D-7338”

11:15 am: Larry Schwartz, BS Me E., MBÅ, CIEC - “Looking-in on Client/Patient Boots on the Ground and Virtual Investigations”

11:45 am Round table for Laboratory & Inspection Challenges

12:15 pm: Lunch

1:00 pm: John Banta, CIH - “The Top Ten Unintended Consequences of Using Antimicrobials for Mold Remediation “

1:30 pm: Thomas Mitchell - “Remediation Based on the Surviving Mold Indoor Environmental Professional Consensus Statement”

2:00 pm: Ralph Moon, Ph.D. - “Mould Growth on Household Materials: A Research Perspective”

3:00 pm: Michael D Schrantz, CIEC - “Fundamental Building Sciences & Promoting A Healthier Indoor Environment”

3:30 pm: Break

3:45 pm: Greg Weatherman, CMC - “MSQPCR (ERMI): A Forensic Tool to Assess Environmental Fungal Fragment Concentrations from a Few Species”

4:15 pm: - “A Patient’s Story“

4:30 pm: Joel Heiblum - “Mr. Mold”

4:45 pm: Roundtable for Inspection & Remediation Challenges

5:15 pm: Adjourn

Sunday, January 20,2019

Medical and Environmental Session

8:00 am:  Introduction

8:15 am: Kellyn Milani, N.D. - “CIRS in Practice: A retrospective look at five years of patient outcomes in clinical practice”

8:45 am:  Paula Vetter, F.N.P. - “Patient Education: Adherence, Self-Management & Outcomes”

9:15 am: Scott McMahon, M.D. - “State of the Art in CIRS Medical Practice”

9:30 am: Greg Weatherman, CMC - “Mechanical Ventilation Techniques for Cleaning the Indoor Air”

10:00 am: Break

10:15 am: Michael F. Susi, BS Ch. E. - “CIRS & Automobiles: A Dilemma & a Solution”

10:45 am: Greg Weatherman, CMC - “State of the Art in Investigation and Remediation for CIRS Patients”

11:00 am: Roundtable - Future Goals with Scott McMahon, M.D. and Greg Weatherman, CMC

11:30 am: Adjourn