There are three kinds of certificates available for the recordings of the October 2020
“It Takes a Data Driven Village” conference:
Certificate of Attendance - Typically for organizations like ACAC that do not have an official format, but give credits for attendance at relevant events.
Scroll down for step by step instructions
CONFERENCE CREDITS: You will need two files. Click on these two files to download:
2020 FALL MoldCongressConferenceCMETracking
Step 1: Click on the download links above.
Step 2: You can either :
Enter the information directly into the fillable PDFs you saved on your computer if has the Adobe app.
Print the PDF and write in the information. If you choose this method, you will have to take a photo or scan of your filled-out paper and upload the resulting file.
Step 3: To get certificates after the conference, you must upload two files for the conference - CME Tracking and Conference Survey.
TO UPLOAD ALL YOUR COMPLETED PDFs: Follow this link to upload ALL your completed forms to this Certificate Request site:
For assistance, email and I’ll be happy to help.