Mold Congress

Conferences and Workshops for the Medical, Indoor Air Environmental / Remediation Industries and Patients

June 2020 Conference in Bellevue, Washington

Abstract – Research Update – 10 Year’s of CIRS Data

            Dr. McMahon will provide an overview of his data collected looking at symptoms, physical findings, lab tests, diagnostic criteria and improvement with treatment using the Shoemaker Protocol. 

Dr. McMahon will also discuss the anticipated impact of the systematic review evaluating all epidemiologic mold literature from 2011-2018 which Ming Dooley and he recently published.  This study changes the entire mold landscape and ends the debate about whether or not indoor mold/dampness can cause single system and multi-system illness.




Abstract – Implementing the Shoemaker Protocol

            Dr. McMahon will provide an interactive overview of the Shoemaker Protocol followed by fielding specific diagnostic and treatment questions designed to clarify steps and make protocol usage more homogenous.  Dr. McMahon will also discuss patient individuality and population dynamics that may interfere with rigid protocol usage and how to correctly individualize Shoemaker Protocol for each patient.  The session is designed primarily for providers but all are welcome.



Abstract – It Takes A Village

            An overview of a multi-disciplinary approach Dr. McMahon is taking with a large group of other experts to develop a community which is mold-resistant, regenerative and sustainable.  The community includes residential, commercial, educational and agricultural spaces and is designed to be self-sufficient and can be off the grid.