Mold Congress

Conferences and Workshops for the Medical, Indoor Air Environmental / Remediation Industries and Patients

June 2020 Conference in Bellevue, Washington

 We are so Grateful to this Fall's Virtual Mold Congress Sponsors!!!

Eric Dorninger (aka Dr. D) and Marcia Cash (Fall 2020 Mold Congress Organizers) would again like to thank our sponsors with the utmost, sincere gratitude. Thank you for what you do. May continued integrity, prosperity and improved patient outcomes continue from your work and services, Eric and Marcia

The following are some inspired thoughts from personal experiences from Dr. D on our sponsors services organized in their specialties:

Premiere Sponsors:


Apex Energetics

Hopkington Drug

The Mold Pros



Gold Sponsors:

Larry Schwartz (Illinois)

Michael Schrantz (Arizona)

Greg Weatherman (Florida)

Mr Mold, Inc.


Airoasis (

Air Oasis-this is the company that makes the iAdapt that Dr. Shoemaker talked about. The air oasis in pre-clinical trials is able to diminish Actinomycetes effects on brain and body inflammation. No other filter has shown this effect yet. We highly recommned the Air Oasis iAdapt as that extra layer of hyper-filtration for CIRS patients.

Our Beloved Inspectors:
Larry Schwartz (Illinois)
Michael Schrantz (Arizona)
Greg Weatherman (Florida)
John Bodhe-the Mold Pros (Florida and 10 other regions)

Larry, Mickael and Greg are well versed in "virtual boots on the ground" inspections as well as traveling. They were pioneering virtual inspections (putting the patient to work on home data collection) pre-COVID and are able to serve CIRS patients with virtual inspections as well.

John Bodhe and the Mold pros have multiple locations nationally and offer both inspection and mitigation and guarantee their work if the game plan is followed. (unheard of in this industry).

Greg Weatherman is also inventor of Aerosolver, the non-toxic solution for "dropping particles out of the air" to set the stage for a successful fine particle cleaning. Ecotreck (see below) is one of our local Colorado mitigation referrals that is trained in Aerosolver fine particle cleaning.

The Inspection Tools:
David lark and Gianni Rossi have pioneered commercial swiffer cloth testing for patients and inspectors to evaluate for Actinomycetes and Bacterial endotoxin....Remember per Dr. Shoemaker's GENIE presentation.....approximately 90% of Nuclear atrophy (Brain Shrinkage!!) from inhalation of water damaged building microbes comes from bacterial endotoxin and actinomycetes and only about 10% from Mycotoxin. The ERMI and HERTSMI (also offered by envirobiomics) are still valid, but without the work of envirobiomics are hands would be tied as providers for helping CIRS patients.

Our Beloved Mitigators:
Mr Mold, Inc.
The Mold Pros

My running joke is that I would eat sashimi off the floor of a crawl space that Ecotreck encapsulated. Ecotreck is a company that Roots and Branches "grew up with" and never gave up on doing things right the first time. incredible work ethic, caring and meticulous mitigation.

Joel Heiblum (Mr. Mold) is one of the most lovely people you'll bump into at a Mold Congress conference. However, he is so sincere, earnest and real with what needs to be done to honestly fix a building....His cordial vibe combined with pitbull tenacity for fixing moisture damaged buildings is essential for the constant battle of moisture problems in Florida building envelopes.

John Bodhe, co-owner of the Mold pros brings profound functionality to the execution of inspection and mitigation with a genuine curiosity to "the game" of where's the moisture? He has "batted second" on many botched inspections and mitigation that our patient population has suffered.

Our healing as a CIRS community is 100% dependent on the integrity of our mitigation companies and the inspectors that support their "homework assignments". We are grateful to offer these companies as people who evidence the most earnest attempt at getting to clean building.

Fine Particle Cleaning:

Greg Weatherman
Again, thank you Greg Weatherman for designing a non-toxic fog for settling out particulates so you're fine particle clean actually works! Ecotreck has been trained and has executed Aerosolver fine paticle clean in many of our patients home...remember, water damamged building mocribes that you can't see (like an obvious wall of mold) unfortunately still trigger CIRS.

The Medicine and Nutraceuticals:
Hopkington Drug
Hopkington Drug Compounding Pharmacy are the pioneers in offering clean, compounded and truly revolutionary medicines. If you've ever had a conversation with Dennis Katz or Michael Macione you feel the passion, brilliance, and dedication for helping others...the work this pharmacy has done to offer VIP as the critical medicine for restoration of CIRS is laudable and noteworthy. We appreciate their ongoing sponsorship and relentless support of the CIRS community.

Apex Energetics https://www.apexenergetics.comApex is near and dear to my heart as they have supported my education in functional and diagnostic medicine and continue to follow their motto "Patient health First". They offer a profoundly well referenced, organized, clean integral line of supplements intended to truly support and restore physiology. In regards to nutraceuticals, the results I get with the Apex line are second to none.